Project for the School of Motion course “Illustration For Motion” taught by Sarah Beth Morgan and Anne Saint-Louis. Within the course, we were imagined to be illustrators in a creative agency, and we were handed a brief and script from a fictional client who wanted to create a 15-second animated advertisement for their donut café. The spot would feature an African-American woman as the protagonist, and she would engage in some busy activity before seeking a “pick-me-up” from the café and then resuming her day with renewed energy. We had the freedom to develop our own story concept from that brief, and from there we had to create style frames that brought that concept to life. These style frames would then, in theory, be passed on to an animation team.


In an earlier phase of the assignment, we began with a more abstract male character. Later, the fictional client returned with a new budget and timeline, and asked us to iterate the protagonist into a more expressive character.

