Digital storytelling workshop

A Zoom livestream workshop presented by the Creative Innovation Studio at Ryerson University as part of the Communities Create initiative during the COVID-19 pandemic. I showed viewers how to create a digital story: a short video that tells a personal story using photos, narration and sound effects, and that’s created on a mobile device with easy-to-use apps.

Telling Our Stories (Aurora Public Library)

Using footage provided by the library staff, I created this video about the impact the Aurora Public Library has on its community and patrons. Video and audio editing done in Adobe Premiere and Audition, and text animation done in Adobe After Effects.

Teaching religious diversity using “The Faith Project”

In a spectacular TED talk, explorer Wade Davis reflected on the world’s cultures saying, “These myriad voices of humanity are not failed attempts at being modern. They’re unique facets of the human imagination. They’re unique answers to a fundamental question: What does it mean to be human and alive?” We’ve captured just a few of those myriad voices and unique answers in The Faith Project, an interactive documentary exploring the religious diversity of Canada.

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